
This part of the website is dedicated to my activity as a sound designer. I work with research projet teams and industrial partners, providing tools/methods/materials for sonification and sound design.

I take inspiration from some designers who worked for the 60's-70's Italian automotive industry (Pinifarina, Bertone, Zagato...). To me, their works represent the ideal balance between A) style, B) industrial constraints, and C) scientific principles.

I try to achieve a similar balance between A) my creativity and taste, B) constraints (briefings; team's dynamics; technical issues, such as available CPU, memory, type and position of loudspeakers, input devices/technology, levels of interactivity), and C) the scientific principles I use (the use of the smallest possible quantity of information; the avoidance of annoyance and intrusiveness; the relation of individual sounds with soundscape).

My techniques are based on acoustics, psychoacoustics, music cognition, and multimodality literature; analysis and practice of movie sound design and sound montage/editing; analysis and practice of production, processing, mixing and mastering techniques in popular music.