
This part of the website is dedicated to my work as a composer.

Entertainment, Distraction, Stupidity and Boredom : these four keywords best summarize the way I work.

My idea of Entertainment refers to the process of keeping someone close with someone else (keep them together, create a community, create a culture) but also to the process of keeping someone inside somewhere (capture, restrain, trap). Entertainment works using Distraction, the process of pulling someone away from Boredom (the name I give to the realization of our mortality). Stupidity is the astonishment, amazement, dullness of someone caught in this circuit – this word describes also the relation between users and technology.

The phrase "I like blood in my coffee" was generated by a MaxMSP patch I made to prepare the texts for Nightrun. The patch created cut-and-paste textual mashups, selecting quotations from the classic slasher movies of the 70s/80s. The logo represents a cup of coffee filled with blood, coupled with the "no trespassing" sign from the Ghostbusters merchandise visual theme.